8 Ways Vaping Charities Can Help the Homeless

Addressing homelessness requires innovative solutions, and vaping charities are uniquely positioned to contribute in meaningful ways. While vaping is primarily seen as a lifestyle choice or a means for smokers...

Legalizing Cannabis and Its Effects on Poverty and Homelessness

Various countries and states worldwide have legalized CBD in the form of edibles, oils, creams, and more. People welcomed it for the medical and economic benefits. However, there is ongoing...

How Hemp Can Help the Homeless

Homelessness has become prevalent nowadays, especially in California. According to Statista, in 2019, there were 567,715 homeless individuals in the U.S. The unsheltered are prone to catch the coronavirus because...

Causes of Homelessness

A lot of misconceptions are made about the causes of homelessness and still a lot more could be given. Some think that it’s a choice – a particularly irresponsible choice....

Homelessness and Smoking: Giving Hope to the Hopeless

Vaping and smoking articles pour vapoteurs mcmasterville, like other addictions, is a difficult habit to quit, even from someone with control over themselves or access to the best medical care....

Sleeping Rough: How You Can Help the Homeless

Homelessness is becoming a big problem in most cities in Canada. This is an uncomfortable topic to discuss but none of us can claim that it does not affect us....

Defining Homelessness

To quote the definition made by the Canadian Observatory on Homelessness, it is when a person, family, or group of people do not have a stable and permanent residence as...

Protecting Homeless People During the COVID-19 Pandemic

In the context of this pandemic, homeless people are in more danger of getting infected and the rapid spread of the virus is most certain if these people remain outdoors....

Homeless People as the Most Vulnerable Sector in the COVID-19 Pandemic

The coronavirus pandemic is a global health crisis affecting many countries regardless of their economic power and status in the global political arena. No one is spared, even the strongest...


Make Poverty History Canada is the world’s biggest online-based research center aiming to provide pertinent research materials on homelessness in Canada. The main impetus for this project is to create...

Our Service

Who Is Homeless?

In its most basic definition, the term “homeless” is simply understood as not having a home or not having a permanent place to live. Many of us share this kind...

Preventing Homelessness

The new emphasis on preventing homelessness is an approach quite different from the previously adapted strategy of minimizing the numbers of homeless people. The popular claim that says “prevention is...

Ending Homelessness

Putting permanent end to homelessness is a goal that can be successfully attained through a comprehensive response and a coordinated approach of delivering the needed services and housing programs. This...

How Can You Help

Anyone who believes that he has the capacity to help will always find opportunities to do so and the action he will take is referred to as volunteerism. To be...

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    Latest News


    8 Ways Vaping Charities Can Help the Homeless

    Addressing homelessness requires innovative solutions, and vaping charities are uniquely positioned to contribute in meaningful ways. While vaping is primarily seen as a lifestyle choice or a means for smokers to reduce harm, the community around it has the potential to drive positive social change, particularly for the homeless. In this context, the Emixologies store emerges as a beacon, blending commerce with compassion to support those in need. In this article, we’re going to explore 8 practical ways that vaping charities can support the homeless and highlight the positive role the ...


    Legalizing Cannabis and Its Effects on Poverty and Homelessness

    Various countries and states worldwide have legalized CBD in the form of edibles, oils, creams, and more. People welcomed it for the medical and economic benefits. However, there is ongoing discourse on whether its legalization can lead to an increase in poverty and homelessness. I will provide an overview to shed light on this complex topic. For those exploring alternative cannabis products, the popularity of items like the Delta-8 THC pen continues to rise. What We Know So Far Aside from anecdotes and the widely spread propaganda that demonizes ...


    How Hemp Can Help the Homeless

    Homelessness has become prevalent nowadays, especially in California. According to Statista, in 2019, there were 567,715 homeless individuals in the U.S. The unsheltered are prone to catch the coronavirus because of a lack of resources for proper sanitation. Moreover, most of these people and their dogs have underlying health problems. This is where CBD products for humans and dog CBD oil come into play. The pandemic only proves the demand for a different method to combat street homelessness. Luckily, Amy Farrah Weiss, the founder of Saint Francis...


    Causes of Homelessness

    A lot of misconceptions are made about the causes of homelessness and still a lot more could be given. Some think that it’s a choice – a particularly irresponsible choice. Those who say this reasoned that people who are homeless are simply lazy and if only they want to, they can rise up from that homeless condition. This understanding is certainly misleading and is not representing the true reasons why people experience homelessness. Homelessness is not a situation that is chosen. Nobody wants to be homeless, so why would people deliberately choose to be homeless? It simply does not make sense. The real ...


    Homelessness and Smoking: Giving Hope to the Hopeless

    Vaping and smoking articles pour vapoteurs mcmasterville, like other addictions, is a difficult habit to quit, even from someone with control over themselves or access to the best medical care. What’s alarming is that the 2.3 to 3.5 million smokers in the US are homeless. They little to no access to health care simply because they cannot afford to do so. It rapidly increases the rate of people suffering from health-related consequences from frequent smoking despite the visible decline in the number of smokers in the past few years. A common misconception about homeless smokers is that they ‘...


    Sleeping Rough: How You Can Help the Homeless

    Homelessness is becoming a big problem in most cities in Canada. This is an uncomfortable topic to discuss but none of us can claim that it does not affect us. Sources estimate that 77,000 people are living in the streets every day. What is even more heartbreaking is that a staggering number of 200,000 become homeless every year. All that some of them aspire is some quality mattresses & sleep. This a sad story of suffering human beings who are out in the streets and they could use all the help they can get. To them, mattresses and sleep is a luxury they...


    Defining Homelessness

    To quote the definition made by the Canadian Observatory on Homelessness, it is when a person, family, or group of people do not have a stable and permanent residence as well as no means of acquiring one. This adapted definition of homelessness provides a unified horizon in understanding the complexity of the problem. It is also meant to expand the set of responses to be made to address the problem of homelessness in Canada. Although the experience of homelessness has put all homeless people in a similar unfortunate situation, it must not be noted however that the extent and weight of its effects vary to different groups of ...


    Protecting Homeless People During the COVID-19 Pandemic

    In the context of this pandemic, homeless people are in more danger of getting infected and the rapid spread of the virus is most certain if these people remain outdoors. So, what better ways are there to protect the homeless people from getting infected by the deadly coronavirus? Protecting the homeless people during this crisis requires full coordination among all social sectors. From legislators, to military, to food agencies, and health providers – each sector must closely coordinate with each other. State and local health departments must have a well-elaborated plan on how to isolate and provide care to homeless...


    Homeless People as the Most Vulnerable Sector in the COVID-19 Pandemic

    The coronavirus pandemic is a global health crisis affecting many countries regardless of their economic power and status in the global political arena. No one is spared, even the strongest states are made helpless by the coronavirus. This virus, often called by the media as an ‘unseen enemy’, already cost thousands of lives and still, thousands of people are getting infected every single day. No one is safe from this virus because even the healthy and the rich ones are getting infected by it. State policies have placed great emphasis on the practice of social distancing encouraging everyone to limit and avoid social ...